Primary School Curriculum - Genesis College
In 2020, Genesis College received an international authorization for the Primary Years Programme, a specific International Baccalaureate (IB) programme. Genesis College is part of the great community of global international schools. For more details about the PYP program and the IB organisation, visit www.ibo.org.
The educational offer of the Primary School combines the Romanian curriculum with the requirements of the PYP programme, focusing on practical activities and topical themes, on the development of communication, research and critical thinking skills, the aim being that to provide children with an education for the future.
The PYP programme
In 2020, Genesis College received an international authorization for the Primary Years Programme, a specific International Baccalaureate (IB) programme. Genesis College is part of the great community of global international schools. For more details about the PYP program and the IB organisation, visit www.ibo.org.
The educational offer of the Primary School combines the Romanian curriculum with the requirements of the PYP programme, focusing on practical activities and topical themes, on the development of communication, research and critical thinking skills, the aim being that to provide children with an education for the future.
The PYP programme
The PYP programme provides pupils with an engaging learning environment, based on groupwork and in pairs, with a focus on experiential activities, in order to help them to become active, socially engaged individuals who demonstrate critical thinking, empathy and respect for themselves and others.
PYP promotes conceptual learning and strives to develop communication, research, thinking, analytical or organisational skills, in children up to the age of 11, all of them abilities that will be useful later in life.
The PYP programme is very flexible and can be easily adapted to the Romanian education system, enriching the latter with a cross-curricular approach to the proposed topics, through conceptual learning and by referring to a pupil profile, which pupils strive to achieve during primary school and later.
The PYP involves the study of 6 transdisciplinary themes:
The contents of the Romanian curriculum is integrated into the six PYP themes and approached from a cross-curricular perspective. The emphasis is on discovery learning, individual and group research, based on the idea that students will understand and retain what they learn or discover on their own more easily and for the long term.

The six transdisciplinary themes that the PYP curriculum proposes for each of the five years of primary education, and which also give the structural directions of the contents proposed by the national curriculum, are as follows:
Who we are. Studying this theme, children get to know each other, develop harmonious relationships with family members, friends, and members of the community in which they live. By studying this theme, students are guided and encouraged to get to know the inner human self, and know themselves, as well as the values that guide them during their formation as human beings.
Where we are in space and time. Through this theme, children make a foray into human history, while understanding the connection between individuals and society, between local and global perspectives. Like a journey through time and space, this theme makes students learn as much as possible about types of houses, trips and expeditions, explorers and migrations of mankind.
How we express ourselves. This theme invites students to discover and appreciate aesthetics. In order to develop healthy and harmonious relationships with those around them, it is important for our students to learn how to express their ideas, feelings, and emotions. At the same time, it is necessary not only to seek and find ways to develop and use their creativity, but also to appreciate the beauty around them, in all its forms.
How the world works. By studying this topic, students understand not only scientific principles and how people use them, but also the impact of technological advances on society and the natural environment. This theme is a foray into nature and its laws, helping children to understand vast concepts such as the biological environment and human societies, and how they work.
How we organize ourselves. Through this theme, students understand the structures and functions of existing organizations in society, their economic activities and how they impact humanity and the environment. Children thus get to understand the structure and role of each organization, how financial, economic and fiscal decisions are made, who has the right to make high-level decisions, but especially what decisions everyone has the right to make.
Sharing the planet. It is important to be aware that each individual has rights and obligations, but especially what they are. By studying this theme, children will learn all these things and apply them in the long run. It is becoming increasingly necessary for students to know what rights and responsibilities they have in terms of protecting the environment.
Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember; involve me and I will understand
According to IBO, there are 10 reasons why PYP is the ideal choice for primary school kids:
- It encourages students to inquire.
- It helps them understand the world in all of its complexity.
- It develops their communication abilities and self-confidence.
- It helps students to learn how to learn.
- It encourages international mindedness.
- It encourages them to look at things from different perspectives.
- It encourages students to take action.
- Kids learn to do in-depth analysis about things.
- It emphasizes involevement of the whole school community.
- It encourages students to become caring and responsbile citizens.
Final Exhibition is the PYP and 4th grade final project, marking the transition to another program, and, at the same time, the transition to middle school.
Final Exhibition is a group project, a thorough investigation of a topic of personal interest, through which 4th graders will demonstrate the skills they have acquired in their elementary school years.
This project has a strong social aspect as students identify, investigate and offer solutions to real-life problems.

Arii de studiu
Sprijină și stimulează dezvoltarea personală și intelectuală a elevilor claselor V-X
Susține dezvoltarea și aplicarea abilităților și conceptelor specifice subiectului și vârstei
Promovează învățarea interdisciplinară
Încurajează elevii să se implice în acțiuni caritabile și servicii de voluntariat – Service learning și Service as Action
Dezvoltă mentalitatea internațională
Stimulează cercetarea individuală – Personal Project
Dezvoltă abilități de comunicare prin încurajarea învățării limbilor materne și a celor secundare
Promovează înțelegerea interculturală și implicarea globală, oferind elevilor oportunitatea de a-și dezvolta cunoștințele, abilitățile și atitudinea pozitivă de care au nevoie pentru a gestiona situații complexe și a întreprinde acțiuni responsabile în viitor.
We are aware of the importance of studying the Romanian language, but also foreign languages from an early age. Correct speaking, writing and reading are at the heart of our curriculum.
We emphasize the importance of books and literature while providing enjoyable and challenging activities in support of this area. A rich discussion environment provides students with a complex vocabulary and depth of understanding of content.
The curriculum of primary classes includes 8-10 hours of English, some of which are conducted with native speakers, and 3 hours of French or German.
Starting with Year 2, Genesis College students take the internationally recognized Cambridge English language exam.
Personal Development
For preparatory and up to grade 2 students, the programme includes Personal Development classes, carried out together with the teacher, but also activities coordinated by the school counsellor, as part of the optional class called The Puzzle I (Eul Puzzle).
Civic Education
Starting from grade 3, Personal Development classes are replaced by Civic Education classes, where students tackle topics such as family, friend group, health and hygiene, healthy lifestyle, etc., topics that are closely related to PYP contents.
The aim of the history curriculum at the primary level is to cultivate an authentic, informed and critical enthusiasm for the history of one’s own country, but also of other peoples with whom Romanians had political, commercial or cultural ties. History lessons start in grade 4 and are held with a specialized teacher.
The study of geography in primary school begins in grade 4 with the geography of Romania, through weekly one-hour lessons. The teaching of geography is done by a specialist teacher, who thus ensures continuity for the secondary school level. Students will benefit from a balance between theory and practice, so 50% of class time will be practical work.
Religious Education
The beliefs and values that religious education communicates should inspire and unify every aspect of school life. Religious morality also helps students better understand and respect school rules, and those of the people they interact with in our institution.
Genesis teachers succeed to inspire students with a sense of joy and confidence in mathematics. From primary school onwards, lessons are designed to adapt to the needs and optimal way of engaging each student in the learning process.
Throughout the primary grades, the math learning programme is done through games, simulations from the financial world, puzzles and building projects.
We live in an increasingly scientific and technological age, where children need to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes that prepare them for the life of the future. Science assignments at Genesis College develop curiosity, enjoyment, research, thinking and analytical skills, and challenge students to be curious, and ask questions: WHY? WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES? WHAT HAPPENS WHEN/IF? WHAT IS THE IMPACT ON OUR LIVES?
Visual Arts
Arts education classes are an integral part of the national and PYP curriculum, but also of the alternative activities program, through the Architecture Club.
Visual arts and hands-on skill classes address real-life topics based on knowledge seeking and technical exploration. The curriculum focuses on developing individual practical and artistic skills, personal expression and empathy towards the global diversity of art and different times and cultures. Classes are taught both by the class teacher and by specialised or associate teams of teachers
Genesis kids gain skills that enable them to appreciate music as well as create music to express their own feelings and ideas. We have designed a complex and varied music programme that gives students, first and foremost, joy.
Primary school students participate in a variety of musical activities involving creative movement, conventional and unconventional percussion instruments, singing and listening. Musical hearing is thus developed, as well as rhythmic and psychomotor skills.
In addition to curriculum classes, Genesis College students can choose to study an instrument or be part of the school choir.
We believe that when approached well, physical education motivates students to fully participate and develop a lifelong admiration and attraction to physical activity, sport and exercise.
We believe that this is possible with the right training and practice, scientific information and motivation to develop long-term physical skills. All students have the opportunity to reach their potential in a sport or other physical activity.
Technology - the fundamental teaching and learning instrument at Genesis College
We believe that integrating technology into daily learning practices is a way to become strategically and curricularly current. We have chosen to integrate technology into learning because we want to adapt to an ever-changing world, to open new doors and opportunities for Genesis College students.
Even before the outbreak of the pandemic, Genesis College implemented the use of the Google Workspace platform to diversify the means of learning and to help students develop the digital skills that are so necessary for today’s world and the one that will come tomorrow.
All students at Genesis College have a personal Chromebook, which they use in their daily school activities, starting with the preparatory class.
At Genesis College, we encourage students to develop continuously, to have the courage to express their own opinions, to have initiative, to become responsible citizens by getting involved in activities that support the community, activities that go beyond the boundaries of the classroom. Thus, we motivate them to get involved in the community they belong to, to be empathetic and responsible towards those around them.