Curriculum Secondary School

Genesis College Educational Programme - Middle School

Genesis College is one of the few schools in Romania to hold the International Baccalaureate (IB) accreditation. According to, there are 10 IB accredited schools in Romania. At the Middle School, children have access to programmes of excellence designed to stimulate their development, creativity, and critical thinking, and provide them with the necessary strategies that will help them apply the knowledge they have learned, in their daily lives. 

The Middle School’s educational offer combines the Romanian curriculum with the requirements of the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) for grades V-X. Thus, Genesis is part of the large community of global international schools. For more details about the MYP programme and the IB organisation, visit

What it consists of
MYP Programme

The MYP programme provides students with a learning environment that emphasises creativity, critical thinking and reflective skills. At the same time, they are encouraged to make connections between learning and the real world, with the content of the Romanian curriculum being combined with IB elements.

At Genesis College, students study all the subjects in the national curriculum developed by the Ministry of National Education, but in a modern approach where learning is not limited to the classroom space, but is enriched through a variety of opportunities and sources of inspiration, such as excursions, thematically tailored visits and through learning acts in different contexts. 

Lessons aim at active participation of the student, using active-participatory methods such as:

  • heuristic dialogue 
  • discovery learning 
  • inquiry-based learning 

The MYP objectives are:

  • Supports and stimulates the personal and intellectual development of students in grades V-X;
  • Supports the development and application of subject and age-specific skills and concepts;
  • Promotes interdisciplinary learning;
  • Encourage students to get involved in charity work and voluntary service – Service learning and Service as Action;
  • Develops international mindset;
  • Stimulates individual research – Personal Project;
  • Develops communication skills by encouraging the learning of mother tongues and secondary languages;
  • It promotes intercultural understanding and global engagement, giving students the opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills and positive attitude they need to manage complex situations and take responsible action in the future.
Arii de studiu

Sprijină și stimulează dezvoltarea personală și intelectuală a elevilor claselor V-X

Susține dezvoltarea și aplicarea abilităților și conceptelor specifice subiectului și vârstei

Promovează învățarea interdisciplinară

Încurajează elevii să se implice în acțiuni caritabile și servicii de voluntariat – Service learning și Service as Action

Dezvoltă mentalitatea internațională

Stimulează cercetarea individuală – Personal Project

Dezvoltă abilități de comunicare prin încurajarea învățării limbilor materne și a celor secundare

Promovează înțelegerea interculturală și implicarea globală, oferind elevilor oportunitatea de a-și dezvolta cunoștințele, abilitățile și atitudinea pozitivă de care au nevoie pentru a gestiona situații complexe și a întreprinde acțiuni responsabile în viitor.

Areas of study

Developing communication skills by encouraging the learning of mother tongues and secondary languages.

Developing communication skills in the mother tongue with clarity and coherence

Acquiring the techniques needed to solve problems and applying them to everyday life.

Encouraging students to respect and understand the world around them, developing their ability to investigate historical, geographical, political, social, economic and cultural factors that influence society.

Stimulating curiosity and the desire to understand the surrounding phenomena, acquiring the ability to use this knowledge effectively.

Stimulating imagination and developing creative and analytical skills, encouraging children’s artistic talent.

Develop the ability to work in a team, manage high-pressure situations, set goals and achieve them.

Developing practical and creative skills to solve design problems, exploring the role of design in historical and contemporary contexts.

A minimum of 50 hours per year are allocated to each area of study. All students in Year 8 take the National Assessment Examination in Mathematics and English Language, with teaching and assessment designed for these subjects according to national requirements. 

In the midday programme, children benefit from additional instructional activities that ensure each student’s progress or that value and highlight academic performance and excellence.

In addition to the Romanian and IB curricula, Genesis College organises a rich extracurricular programme for all students according to their inclinations and passions. For example, students at secondary school level can participate in activities in ClubuluiClubScience and high school students with a passion for robotics can sign up for ClubRaspberry Pi

Middle Years Programme - Directions for Action


Students are involved in as many activities as possible connected to global contexts, with an emphasis on hands-on experiences that motivate them to discover and explore themes of global importance, such as:

  • Identities and relationships;
  • Orientation in space and time;
  • Personal and cultural expression;
  • Scientific and technological innovation;
  • Globalisation and sustainability;
  • Fairness and development.

Developing interdisciplinary skills;

Harnessing multiple intelligences, such as developing emotional intelligence.


The skills consolidated during the 5 years IB MYP are applied in the Personal Project at the end of grade X.

Develop the following skills:

  • Communication skills
  • Critical thinking
  • Self-discovery
  • Social skills
  • Research skills

These processes of metacognition allow students to gain a greater understanding of their strengths and challenges in the cognitive and affective domains.

Students choose a theme and explore it with the aim of reinforcing skills developed in the MYP cycle and creating a product.

Reinforcement of learning skills during 25 hours of work;

Preparing students for the complexity of the next two years of high school in the Diploma Programme

Throughout the six MYP years, students are invited to get involved in school-wide projects or campaigns called Service Experiences or to take part in Service Learning activities proposed by teachers in class.

Students are involved in activities that support the community. These extend beyond the boundaries of the classroom, actively involving students in their community. We encourage them to become responsible citizens and to gain a deeper understanding of the world around them through community activities.

Forming the IB learner profile, which:

  • Show empathy towards others;
  • Undertake projects;
  • Act on your own;
  • Act collaboratively (as a team);
  • Suggest changes to an existing system for the benefit of all concerned;
  • Influence people in more influential positions to act in a positive way.

Middle School creates the contex for performance

We provide students with a positive working atmosphere so that they can assimilate the knowledge they need to achieve excellent academic, artistic and sporting results. The curriculum of the private secondary school includes all the subjects included in the national curriculum developed by the Ministry of Education, but the subjects are approached in a modern way. Thus, knowledge is not only assimilated in the classroom, but is also consolidated through different activities such as excursions, thematic visits or lessons in different contexts. At Genesis College, we encourage children to think outside the box, thus stimulating their creativity and cultivating their self-confidence and potential.

How to run a course at the Secondary School

The main purpose of the lessons is to actively involve the student and encourage him/her to express his/her opinions on the topic discussed. The result? Children are more motivated to learn and to confidently express their views on the knowledge they have acquired during lessons. 

One of the main advantages that the Middle School offers is that each student gets individual attention. The time and attention given by teachers will contribute greatly to their academic results, but will also build their self-esteem and confidence in their own strengths. Small class sizes contribute to better class management. 

Thus, the teacher will be able to:

  • Give more time and attention to each individual student
  • Work individually and in small groups
  • Work differentiated or cooperatively

Benefits for students

In support of the community

Children are a community's most valuable treasure because they carry forward the promise and guarantee of the future.

At Genesis College, we encourage students to become responsible citizens by getting involved in activities that support the community, activities that go beyond the classroom. In this way, we motivate them to get involved in their community, to be empathetic and responsible towards those around them.