Genesis College Theoretical High School - Our Educational Programme
At Genesis College Theoretical High School, students have the opportunity to study the Romanian curriculum under the specific approach of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) system. Thus, they will build the necessary body of knoweldge, but they will also acquire important resources for application in their daily lives. IB World schools share a common philosophy: constant commitment towards high-quality education in an international environment that encourages excellence. As a result, IB students develop skills and abilities that transcend academic success.
For more information about IB and the programmes offered, please visit
Genesis College Theoretical High School is accredited to offer the Diploma Programme (DP), an International Baccalaureate® (IB) specific programme for students aged between 16 and 19. At the end of their 10th grade, students may either choose to study the following two years under the DP, or continue within the Romanian system, by selecting the disciplines they wish to pursue, and then take the baccalaureate exam at the end of their 12th grade. The Diploma Programme is a continuation of the Middle Years Programme (MYP), and therefore students that went through the MYP have an advantage, since they are already trained in the spirit of conceptual and student-centered learning.
Only IB accredited schools may offer the three academic programmes: Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme, Diploma Programme. For more information about IB and specific programmes, please visit
The Romanian Curriculum
Students can choose one of the following specialised study profiles:
- Economics and Business Management Studies (Business Technician)
- Natural and Computer Sciences (Mathematics & Informatics, focused on Informatics)
- Social Sciences and Humanities (Bilingual: Romanian and English)
Economics and Business Management Studies
- Courses where you learn how to open and manage your own business;
- Partnerships with companies in business and finance;
- Coursese taught by specialised teachers and experts from the business and entrepreneurship environments;
- Participation into national and international competitions;
- Career orientation counselling;
- Additional reinforcement programme for the disciplines included in the baccalaureate exam, as well as guided study classes for the other subjects.
- You will possess a deep understanding of business and economics, applicable in various fields of endeavour;
- You will learn skills that develop your critical thinking, and acquire entrpreneurship and digital competencies;
- You will learn how to use mathematical concepts and techniques, and information from science and technology, to solve practical problems;
- Connect to current developments in the business environment.
Natural and Computer Sciences
- The subject of Informatics is taught intensively, with two more classes each week in addition to the number provided for in the Common Core;
- Clubs where students enrich their skills and knowledge;
- Design course;
- English language taught intensively to prepare for Cambridge exams;
- Additional classes to reinforce baccalaureate exam subjects and guided study for the other subjects;
- Partnerships with institutions and experts in IT, Artificial Intelligence, engineering;
- Participation into national and international competitions;
- Career orientation counselling.
- Deep understanding and acquisition of computer science knowledge;
- Assimilation of computer science knowledge that can be applied in various fields, as well as in approaching daily situations or solving practical problems;
- Development of valuable qualities such as creative and well-ordered thinking, a sense of beauty and critical analysis;
- Preparedness for obtaining attractive jobs in the areas of computer science and exact sciences.
Social Sciences and Humanities
- Bilingual programme in Romanian and English, with three additional English classes over the curriculum, and one social science discipline taught in English;
- Design course;
- Clubs where students enrich their skills and knowledge;
- Additional classes to reinforce baccalaureate exam subjects and guided study for the other subjects;
- Partnerships with experts in communications, political studies, journalism, psychology;
- Participation into national and international competitions;
- Career orientation counselling.
- Development of critical thinking and reasoning ability;
- Understanding history as a factor than can predict change;
- Understanding connections between humanities and exact sciences;
- Development of advanced competencies in communication, and good understanding of different cultural norms, as a basis for preparedness in seizing international opportunities for a future career;
- Deep knowledge of English.
Diploma Programme Curriculum
The Diploma Programme (DP) is meant for students aged 16 to 19. Its main goal is to train students to develop harmoniously in intellectual, emotional, physical and moral terms, encouraging them to reflect on the nature of knowledge and be able to do independent research and work in projects that involve action to support their community.
The Diploma Programme is the first offered by the International Baccalaureate Organisation. It was designed by teachers at the Geneva International School with assistance from other international schools, and was implemented for the very first time in 1968. Since then, more than 3 400 schools from all over the world included it into their education offerings.
The Diploma Programme curriculum includes three main components and six subject groupings.
The three main elements of the DP are:
- Theory of Knowledge (TOK),
- Extended Essay (EE),
- Creativity, Activit, Service (CAS).
The six DP-specific subject groupings are:
- Studies in Language and Literature
- Language Acquisition
- Individuals and Societies
- Sciences
- Mathematics
- The Arts
Curriculum MYP
MYP Curriculum
The Romanian curriculum disciplines are adapted to the requirements of the Middle Years Programme (MYP) of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) programme, designed for students aged between 11 and 15/16. Thus, the programme starts during the middle school years and ends in high school with the completion of the 10th grade.
MYP offers an academically advanced curricular structure meant to develop skills for life, based on a vision that embraces and transcends traditional academic disciplines. During their MYP years, students are encouraged to take part in many activities that provide them with the opportunity to experiment a large array of extracurricular interests, depending on their inclinations and passions. The Genesis Team consistently works to increase student involvement, as well and standards and performance levels, by increasing the variety of the activities being proposed.
Here are the 8 areas of study that are specific to the Middle Years Programme:
Each area has a distribution of at least 50 hours of class teaching per year.
Community Action Service
Genesis College students get involved in activities that support the community, as well as in various charity projects, in order to develop empathy and increase social responsibility.
Personal Project
The key aspects of the MYP are designed to encourage individual research by means of the Personal Project, whose completion is a mandatory requirement in the 10th grade.
The Personal Project is an essential moment in the development of any student, from anywhere in the world, who is enrolled in the IB-MYP system. This project must be a personal one, the result of the passions and interests of each student. It involves the creation of a physical/virtual product to be presented at a collective exhibition. Students must also create a report to capture the process of making their product and reflecting on how it helped them develop themselves. The report will be assessed by the International IB Organisation and students will receive an international diploma to attest their achievements.

Expoziția pentru Proiectele Personale reprezintă cel mai important eveniment din viața unui elev de clasa a X-a din orice șco
he Personal Project Exhibition is the most important event in the life of a tenth grade student in any IB school. Each student presents the product he or she has been working on for six to seven months. Each student is supported in his or her project by a mentor teacher.
What sets the Personal Project apart from any other school project comes from its applicability, direct connection to the real world, and the fact that it directly relates to the student’s passions. The topics addressed are most varied, and personal learning objectives can materialize in products that demonstrate the creativity of 10th grade high school students: functional robots, personal development programmes, films, magazine articles, particle detectors, architectural models, video games and many other assignments have been exhibited so far, helping Genesis College students learn how to use their acquired knowledge and skills in a creative way, how to organize themselves, how to communicate with experts in their chosen field, and, above all, how to figure out new solutions for unexpected situations.
The main focus of the Personal Project is for the students to put into practice the skills (ATL skills) acquired throughout their 10 years of study, demonstrating that the vision of Genesis College is completely achievable through the IB learner profile.
ală IB. În cadrul ei, fiecare își prezintă produsul la care a lucrat de-a lungul a șase-șapte luni. Fiecare elev este susținut în proiectul său de către un profesor îndrumător.
Ceea ce deosebește Proiectul Personal de orice alte proiecte școlare este aplicabilitatea, conexiunea directă cu lumea reală și faptul că sunt direct legate de pasiunile elevilor. Tematicile abordate au fost dintre cele mai variate, iar obiective de învățare personale s-au materializat în produse ce demonstrează creativitatea liceenilor din clasele a X-a: roboți funcționali, programe de dezvoltare personală, filme, articole de revistă, detectoare de particule, machete arhitecturale, jocuri video și multe alte teme i-au ajutat pe elevii Genesis College să învețe cum să-și folosească cunoștințele și abilitățile dobândite până acum într-un mod creativ, organizându-se singuri, comunicând cu specialiști în domeniile alese și, mai presus de toate, gândind noi soluții pentru situațiile neașteptate cu care s-au confruntat.
Focusul principal al Personal Project este ca elevii să pună în practică abilitățile (ATL skills) dobândite de-a lungul celor 10 ani de studiu, demonstrând că viziunea Genesis College este una complet realizabilă prin intermediul profilului elevului IB (IB learner profile).