Liceul teoretic

Genesis College Theoretical High School

In 2019 Genesis College, a nationally and internationally accredited school, launched its high school division.

Since March 2022 Genesis College Theoretical High School is also accredited to offer the IB Diploma Programme (DP) for students between 16 and 19 (grades XI-XII). In this programme, students receive high-quality education in an international environment that helps them grow intellectually, emotionally and ethically.

Discover the benefits offered by our Diploma Programme for Genesis College Theoretical High School students!

The Diploma Programme was created in the 1960s by teachers at International School of Geneva. Since then, teachers from all over the world contributed to further develop this programme, meant to provide a well-balanced education and help students learn independently. DP is an international qualification, recognised by well-reputed universities throughout the entire world.


At Genesis College Theoretical High School teachers are deeply committed to offer high-quality education.


Students learn in a positive and productive climate, where they are motivated to develop their creativity, critical thinking and reflexivity.


Our educational programmes are tailored to give students an international and outreaching education, adapted to an ever-changing world.

Why choose
Genesis College Theoretical High School

Our private theoretical high school provides excellence programmes that combine the Romanian curriculum with the International Baccalaureate – Middle Years Programme (MYP) for 11–15/16-year-olds, and Diploma Programme (DP) for 16–19-year-olds. Thus, students acquire the knowledge required by the national curriculum, and at the same time have the benefit of educational programmes that align with international standards, tailored to encourage their critical thinking and personal creativity, and teach them how to apply the knowledge and abilities they acquired, in their everyday lives.

Discover our High-School educational offer!

Genesis College Theoretical High School is the first fully digitalised high school in Romania. We hold national and international accreditations, and provide an educational offering that follows the demands of the labour market. Students may choose among the following specialised study profiles:

Natural and Computer Sciences
(Mathematics-Informatics, focused on Informatics)

Social Sciences and Humanities
(Bilingual: Romanian and English)

Economics and Business Management Studies
(Business Technician)

In addition to these educational programmes, students can develop their passions and abilities by attending the clubs offered by Genesis College Theoretical High School: Entrepreneurship, Arts, Music, Sports, Technology, and preparation for national exams.

De ce să alegi o școală acreditată IB

În cadrul Școlii Gimnaziale, elevii beneficiază de cursuri și activități prin care:

Școala Gimnazială,
acreditată pentru programul
IB Middle Years Programme

Fondată în urmă cu 23 ani, Genesis College a fost prima școală privată acreditată în curriculumul național și internațional din București. În 2007 am pus bazele Școlii Gimnaziale, iar în 2020 aceasta a devenit membră International Baccalaureate. Școala Gimnazială este acreditată pentru programul Middle Years Programme (MYP), adresat elevilor din clasa a V-a până în clasa a X-a. De asemenea, Școala Gimnazială oferă elevilor absolvenți posibilitatea continuării studiilor după clasa a X-a, în cadrul Liceului Teoretic „Genesis College“.

Într-o lume dominată de schimbări rapide, datorită programului IB MYP, elevii capătă încredere în propriile forțe și devin conștienți de importanța dezvoltării abilităților necesare pentru viitor. Află mai multe informații despre filosofia educațională Middle Years Programme.

Descoperă strategia educațională
Middle Years Programme

Meet the management of
Genesis College!

We discover, develop and promote the natural potential of each kid, and cultivate their passion for learning.

Find out how students spend a day at
Genesis College Theoretical High School

Student motivation and performance are our constant concern.
Find out how we turn each moment spent in school into discoveries that count for our students.